Bio Szekler Mountain Honey - Bio Szekler Alpen Honig - 500g
Bio Szekler Mountain Honey - Bio Szekler Alpen Honig - 500g
This BIO (organic) pure natural Szekler Mountain honey is brought to you from a BIO apiculture from Szeklerland, Eastern-Carpathian mountains, Transylvania (RO,EU).
The untouched natural environment of the Transylvanian mountain pastures, meadows, cuttings, has a natural vegetation cover extremely rich in essential oils and flavonoids Flavonoids are plant substances with antioxidant effects. Their effects are manifold: antioxidant, immune system strengthening, antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory substances, which also have a beneficial effect on protecting the liver and preventing cancer. The honeys produced in the Transylvanian mountains are BIO certified, they are produced by traditional methods. The golden colours and unmistakable aromas obtained here are one of the most wholesome sweet delicacies of pure origin throughout Europe.
.. and the place of the Carpathian-Basin from where we have brought to you this organic pure natural Bio Szekler Mountain honey: